Nursing Career Blocks

I speak to nurses everyday and they tell me how they hate their job, are stuck, and don’t know how long they can do this for!
Interestingly, most of them when offered a solution to resolve their issues – choose to stay stuck and miserable.
Why is that?
Our human brain has evolved over centuries to seek three things:
- Safety/Familiarity
- Ease of effort
- Instant gratification
This shows up in nursing for many, when you are considering moving to something new or even exploring what could be possible for you.
When I was trying to work out what I wanted to do when I grew up 😉 I would let my brain run wild and would explore all these options and then ultimately never take action.
If I had, I would be a movie star by now.
Why? Because even though my life was a pit of misery and I was depressed, that was familiar. It required minimal effort – or so I thought…. 😉
Why is this important to recognise?
If you understand that your brain’s job is to keep you safe, and comfortable and exert the least amount of effort possible, you can see how it actively holds you in a place of suffering.
Suffering is familiar. Change and going after your goal in the big bad world is not safe.
So yeah, your brain would rather you suffer than moved forward and found work that lights you up!
Sucks – hey?
Good News, If you have experienced this you are 100% Human and it’s your job to learn how to manage it, so that you can live your BEST life.
What does this show us?
That every time you need to shift/change/elevate your life, your brain will find all the reasons you shouldn’t do the thing you really want to do.
The question then becomes….
Should you stay safe and miserable? Or Should you go all in on your dreams and embrace the discomfort of growth?
What’s the upside of staying stuck?
For me, the cost of staying stuck was IMMENSE. I was overweight. Miserable. I had MSK issues. I had GI issues. I was depressed and anxious. My relationship was a mess. I hated my job. I am overworked and overate. I drank every night. MY BRAIN THOUGHT THIS WAS SAFE!!
What lies in your brain offering you?
If you choose to stay stuck – make sure you like your reason why!
If you don’t want to be where you are right now and you know there’s more for you and you want to get out of safety and find your nursing jam, please let me know, and we will chat about how we can help make this happen for you!
Choose You over nursing every time.
If you are ready to choose you first - our HPN membership is perfect for you! Join the waitlist for our next intake here!