Being a Mature Aged Nursing Student is your superpower

As a mature-aged nursing student, you may have initially felt that you were at a disadvantage compared to younger students.

You probably hear horror stories on placement about other mature-aged nursing students being discriminated against because of their age.

Listen, this happens, on both ends of the age spectrum.

So what do we do? We get clear about why your age is your superpower rather than a hindrance!

However, it's important to recognize that being a mature-aged nursing student is a superpower when it comes to applying for graduate nursing jobs.

Here are some reasons why:

  1. Life Experience:

    As a mature-aged nursing student, you likely have a wealth of life experience that younger students may not possess. You may have had a career in a different field, traveled extensively, or had significant life experiences that have shaped your worldview.

    This life experience can be incredibly valuable in the nursing profession as it allows you to bring a unique perspective to your role. Employers recognize this and are often drawn to candidates who have a range of life experiences.

  2. Maturity and Responsibility:

    As a mature-aged nursing student, you have likely developed a high level of maturity and responsibility that younger students may not possess. You understand the importance of punctuality, professionalism, and the need to prioritize responsibilities.

    These qualities are highly valued in the nursing profession and are often essential for success in a healthcare setting.

  3. Strong Work Ethic:

    Mature-aged nursing students have often worked in other fields and understand the value of hard work. You have likely developed a strong work ethic that will serve you well in your nursing career.

    Employers recognize the importance of a strong work ethic and often look for candidates who are willing to go above and beyond in their roles.

  4. Communication Skills:

    As a mature-aged nursing student, you have likely developed strong communication skills over the years. You understand the importance of listening to others, empathizing with their situation, and communicating effectively.

    These skills are essential in the nursing profession and can make a significant difference in patient outcomes.

  5. Commitment:

    Mature-aged nursing students have often made a significant commitment to their nursing education. You have likely balanced work, family, and other responsibilities to pursue your dream of becoming a nurse.

    Employers recognize the level of commitment required to complete a nursing degree as a mature-aged student and are often drawn to candidates who are willing to make such a commitment.

In conclusion, being a mature-aged nursing student is a superpower when it comes to applying for graduate jobs.

Employers recognize the value of life experience, maturity, responsibility, strong work ethic, communication skills, and commitment that mature-aged nursing students bring to the profession.

How do I stand out?

Trust me when I say, as a mature-aged nursing student, you have a unique advantage that will serve you well in your nursing career.

As a mature-aged student, you may be struggling to manage your years of experience and thinking “how do I communicate all this in a way that makes me their first choice”.

I hear you, we have helped hundreds of nurses (many of them mature-aged) land their dream first nursing role on their terms.

You don’t have to start from the bottom and work your way up, we can package your amazingness to the employer for roles you WANT not roles you “have “ to do.

About the author.

Liam is an ex-Nurse Unit Manager, who has sat on graduate nurse panels across Australia and knows what panels are looking for! My vision is to make sure NO graduate nurse is without a job in 2023!

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