How to Answer Behavioural Graduate Nursing Interview Questions with STAR ⭐️ (with examples)

Congratulations on nearly finishing your degree - you are one interview away from beginning your nursing career!

As you prepare for interviews, it's essential to be ready for behavioral questions. These questions assess how you've handled specific situations in the past and predict your future behavior in similar scenarios.

I have coached 400+ nurses and taught over 60k nurses globally via our podcast (High Performance Nursing) how to use STAR like a badass. Now it's your turn!

We'll explore five common graduate nursing behavioral interview questions and provide answers using the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) format to help you showcase your skills and experiences effectively.

Question 1: Describe a situation where you had to work collaboratively in a healthcare team.

Answer (STAR Format):

Situation: During my clinical rotation in the oncology unit, we received an influx of patients, and the workload became overwhelming for individual nurses.

Task: The charge nurse recognized the need for collaboration and assigned us to work in pairs. I was paired with a fellow nurse to care for a group of critically ill patients.

Action: I initiated clear and open communication with my partner, discussing each patient's needs and dividing responsibilities based on our strengths. While my partner focused on complex procedures and wound care, I managed medication administration and monitored vital signs. Additionally, I ensured we remained updated on each patient's condition throughout the shift.

Result: Through our collaborative efforts, we achieved better patient outcomes, reduced stress on individual nurses, and created a supportive work environment. The experience taught me the value of teamwork and effective communication in delivering optimal patient care.

Question 2: How do you handle stressful situations while maintaining a high standard of patient care?

Answer (STAR Format):

Situation: During a busy night shift in the emergency department, we received multiple trauma cases simultaneously, overwhelming the team.

Task: As a nurse, my priority was to ensure patients received prompt and efficient care despite the chaotic situation.

Action: I quickly assessed the situation, triaged patients based on urgency, and communicated effectively with the healthcare team. Recognizing the importance of staying calm and focused, I made a conscious effort to manage my stress levels and remain composed while providing reassurance to patients and their families during the crisis.

Result: Despite the high-stress environment, I successfully managed the cases, ensuring patients received timely interventions. By maintaining my composure and focusing on patient care, I was able to contribute to positive patient outcomes and earned the trust and respect of my colleagues.

Question 3: Tell us about a time when you had to advocate for a patient's needs.

Answer (STAR Format):

Situation: During my pediatric nursing rotation, I cared for a young patient with a rare condition. The medical team seemed uncertain about the best treatment approach.

Task: It was crucial to ensure the patient's needs were heard and considered in the decision-making process.

Action: I took the initiative to research the condition and sought input from specialists outside the hospital to gather more information. Armed with this knowledge, I scheduled a meeting with the medical team, presenting my findings and advocating for a multidisciplinary approach that included additional consultations and personalized treatment options. I emphasized the importance of considering the patient's unique medical history and preferences in the decision-making process.

Result: By advocating for the patient's needs, we received valuable insights from specialists, leading to a comprehensive treatment plan. The patient responded positively to the personalized care, and their condition improved significantly. This experience reinforced the importance of being a proactive advocate for patients' well-being.

Question 4: How do you stay updated on the latest developments in nursing and healthcare?

Answer (STAR Format):

Situation: As a dedicated nurse, I understand the significance of staying informed about advancements in nursing and healthcare practices.

Task: I recognized the need to establish a routine for continuous learning and professional development.

Action: I actively subscribed to reputable nursing journals, attended conferences, and engaged in relevant seminars regularly. Additionally, I joined online nursing communities to participate in discussions with other healthcare professionals and share knowledge. I sought out webinars and workshops that covered various healthcare topics and incorporated the insights gained into my practice.

Result: By staying updated on the latest developments, I improved my clinical decision-making, implemented evidence-based practices, and provided the best possible care to my patients. This commitment to lifelong learning has also positively influenced my interactions with colleagues, allowing me to contribute meaningfully to the healthcare team.

Question 5: Describe a challenging interaction with a patient or their family and how you resolved it.

Answer (STAR Format):

Situation: I encountered a situation where a patient's family member expressed dissatisfaction with the care their loved one was receiving.

Task: My objective was to address their concerns empathetically and find a resolution to ensure patient satisfaction.

Action: I actively listened to the family member's grievances, acknowledging their emotions and validating their concerns. I scheduled a private meeting with the family, away from patient care activities, to give them my undivided attention. I provided detailed explanations of the care plan and the rationale behind specific decisions, aiming to build trust and confidence in the provided care.

Result: Through open communication and a patient-centered approach, we were able to resolve the family's concerns. The patient's family appreciated the attention given to their feedback, and the overall patient experience improved. This encounter taught me the importance of compassionate communication and patient advocacy in building trust and fostering positive relationships with patients and their families.

Make sure when answering your questions, you go deep in the Action line, using nursing language to describe your actions and show the panel your skills, knowledge, and understanding of the role/organisation!

Buzzwords are what get you brownie points! Use them as much as possible throughout!


Behavioral interview questions can be powerful tools for assessing your suitability for a graduate nursing position. By utilizing the STAR format to structure your responses, you can effectively demonstrate your skills, experiences, and dedication to providing exceptional patient care.

Think of STAR as your DRABC algorithm for interviews, it's an essential step-by-step process to help you from going blank!

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