How do I get a graduate nursing job in Australia?

So, you are about to graduate your enrolled nursing or graduate nursing program and you are unsure of your next steps?


Take a deep breathe. You are not alone.


Honestly a lot of nurses get to the end of their degree/TAFE program and are unsure of which path to take.


Nothing has gone wrong, and I have good news for you – you have options galore!


Let’s start with the most common graduate pathways.


Option 1: Apply and Land a Graduate Nursing Program in a private or public hospital.


This is probably not a surprise to you, but most people apply for their ideal graduate program in a private or public hospital setting.


Graduate programs are a perfect fit for those that are interested in having a structured program, with multiple speciality rotations and graduate nursing career support and skill development.

Graduate programs are typically offered in all states and territories, they open 1-3 times per year depending on their need/role availability.


Here are some Pro’s and Con’s for you to consider:



-       Structured Program to start your career.

-       Study days included.

-       Professional growth opportunities

-       Support from graduate coordinators

-       Stable work

-       Multiple speciality exposure


-       Support dependant on the graduate coordinator team’s effort and engagement.

-       You might not get the specialities or rotations you want.

-       They can change/move your rotation at any point based on organisational demand.

-       If you are completing a grad program in a facility that has multiple sites, you may not actually see the grad team regularly.

-       Offered permanent part time – which may not suit those that want full time income/work.

-       Limited positions and a lot of poor recruitment practices occur.



Graduate Program Pathway Myths that are not true:


-       International nurses cannot land a graduate program – FALSE!

-       Mature aged student’s will be disadvantaged because employers only want young impressionable nurse – FALSE!

-       You need to have worked as an AIN/USIN/RUSON to get accepted or to be considered – FALSE!

-       Having a “bad” GPA means you won’t be considered- FALSE!

-       That you shouldn’t apply because its competitive -everything is competitive.


Option 2: Graduate Program -Speciality Pathways


Many of your reading this want a grad program, but not just any old graduate nursing rotation.


You want a speciality rotation. These are accessible within a graduate program typically.


You will get the opportunity to tell the employer what speciality you want.


Now, arguably every rotation is a speciality, but for the purpose of this blog, I want to share with you the most common “specialities”.



-       Emergency Nursing

-       ICU

-       Perioperative Nursing

-       Paediatric Nursing

-       Mental Health

-       Palliative Care

-       Primary Healthcare

-       Cardiac Nursing


Here are some Pro’s and Con’s for you to consider with a speciality program:



-       Structured Program to start your career.

-       Study days included.

-       Professional growth opportunities

-       Early career specialisation for those that “just know”.

-       Support from graduate coordinators

-       Stable work

-       Pathway for promotions and career growth



-       Support dependant on the graduate coordinator team’s effort and engagement.

-       You might not get your ideal speciality.

-       They can change/move your rotation at any point based on organisational demand so even if you land it – they might move you!

-       If you are completing a grad program in a facility that has multiple sites, you may not actually see the grad team regularly.

-       Offered permanent part time – which may not suit those that want full time income/work.



Graduate Speciality Pathway Myths that are not true:


-       International nurses cannot land a speciality role – FALSE!

-       If you haven’t had a placement in a speciality, you won’t be considered – FALSE!

-       If you haven’t had a placement in a speciality, you can’t/shouldn’t apply- FALSE!

-       Having a “bad” GPA means you won’t be considered- FALSE!

-       You need to be “smart” to be considered for a speciality program – FALSE.

-       You need to know exactly what you want in your career to apply for a speciality – FALSE.

-       Once you start in a speciality, it means you can’t move, leave, or try something else- FALSE!

-       That you shouldn’t apply because its competitive -everything is competitive.



Option 3: Nurse on your own Terms.


Did you know that you can 100% do whatever you want when you have your nursing degree (within reason – thanks AHPRA 😉 ).


Seriously, if you know you don’t want a grad program, or a speciality program and you want to navigate nursing on your own terms – you totally can.


I celebrate you!


Now this path is not for the faint hearted. Expect to have to apply for multiple roles and to really learn how to sell the employer on taking you fresh out of uni.


So, I know your dying to know, where can you work when you nurse on your own terms.





Pal Care

Digital Healthcare.



Non-Clinical Facing Roles.

Rural nursing.



Online Entrepreneurship.

Nursing Service Provider.

Healthcare Project management.

Day Surgery.


Health Advocacy.

NGO work.

Humanitarian work.

Public Health.

International public Health.

Health Policy.


Nothing is out of reach.


Explore, Call the manager, Enquire, Apply, Interview and Land the role!


Be mindful, you brain is likely to tell you that you aren’t qualified or good enough. Apply anyway – you never know what might happen!


Here are some Pro’s and Con’s for you to consider when nursing on your terms:



-       You get to nurse on your terms and do what suits you and your family.

-       Work/life balance

-       Protect your boundaries and intentionally create your own path.

-       Possible access to higher income

-       Build resilience!

-       Access to alternative/non-traditional nursing graduate careers.



-       Typically, you receive less support in non-traditional graduate roles.

-       You must apply for more roles and risk being rejected.

-       The work might be casual to begin with.

-       You need to monitor your thoughts closely and manage your inner critic!

-       The work may not be stable in nature.

-       You must be more autonomous and self-directed.



Nursing On Your Terms Myths that are not true:


-       The only option is Aged Care and GP nursing – NOT TRUE.

-       Those who nurse on their terms aren’t good enough for programs – FALSE.

-       That you MUST have a grad program to succeed- FALSE.

-       If you start in a non-graduate program role/speciality you can’t ever get into the acute sector/hospital – RUBBISH.

-       You need to know exactly what you want in your career to nurse on your terms. – FALSE.

-       That you shouldn’t apply because its competitive -everything is competitive!


As you can see there are ample opportunities for you to navigate and explore as a nurse.


The world is literally your oyster.


So, what path will you take?


Are you a grad program enthusiast?


Maybe you’re a speciality seeker?


Are you the nursing on your terms rebel?


Or are you an International Nursing Graduate Superstar that wants all the options?!


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Check out our Youtube Channel for more nurse career support!

About the author.

Liam is an ex-Nurse Unit Manager, who has sat on graduate nurse panels across Australia and knows what panels are looking for! My vision is to make sure NO graduate nurse is without a job in 2023!

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