029: Beating Stress and Burnout - with Elaina Mullery and Lauren Bell

In this unique episode of High Performance Nursing, I have a fabulous conversation with Elaina Mullery and Lauren Bell.

Elaina is the founder of The Happy Nurse. When Elaina noticed that there was a rise in fatigue, stress, and burnout in healthcare workers, it prompted her to launch her advocacy.

For her, self-care is an important factor in making sure that nurses offer the best version of themselves to patients, themselves, and their families.

While Lauren is a Wealth and Wellness Coach committed to helping professionals gain meaning, understand their purpose, and know their value. She helps clients acknowledge the barriers holding them back from well-being including financial wellbeing.

Lauren directs her clients to the path that allows them to realize their true potential and embrace goals and dreams.

In this episode, we’ll give a sneak peek of what’s going to happen on the Beating Stress & Burnout - Unleash Your Happy Nurse Online Seminar set on November 25th.

It’s so easy to experience stress and burnout especially for people working in healthcare industries. We are here to help you recognize and go through this phase, so you can continue giving outstanding service not only to patients but also in your personal life.


  • Elaina's advocacy through The Happy Nurse (02:45)

  • Evaluating the burnout journey (03:35)

  • Lauren’s career story (04:09)

  • The creation of Beating Stress & Burnout - Unleash Your Happy Nurse webinar (05:05)

  • What can people expect from the webinar (06:28)

  • The pandemic's effects on the nurses' burnout (10:37)

  • The Burnout Cycle (11:25)

  • Reasons why the webinar is beneficial (13:17)

  • The outcomes that people can walk away with after the workshop (19:15)

  • Final remarks from Lauren, Elaina, and Liam (24:35)


  • “If you can't lead yourself, how the hell are you going to lead somebody else.” - Liam Caswell (08:48)

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