030: Nursing Career Insights From a Leading Healthcare Recruiter with Kay Reynoldson

In this week’s episode of High Performance Nursing. I have a lovely chat with Kay Reynoldson, founder and full-time director of SustainHealth Recruitment.

Kay may not be a nurse, but a nurse’s blood runs within her, she comes from a family of nurses and carers. She has seen firsthand how hard the nursing profession can become and what kind of vocation it truly is.

In this episode, Kay shares her nursing career insights as a leading healthcare recruiter.

Kay makes sure that she knows the story behind every resume that lands on her desk. Doing so ensures that she partners every carer with the best clients.

She believes that recruitment should always be done “with a heart” so values can be established early on. Also, this helps her recognize the area of nursing the candidate is suited for.

If you are a nurse wanting to explore other career avenues in nursing or healthcare, you’ll know how top recruiters like Kay executes the process.


  • Kay's relocation journey to Australia (03:45)

  • Landscape changes in the nursing workforce (09:38)

  • Kay's process of analyzing the story behind every resume (18:58)

  • How can nurses tell their unique stories? (22:35)

  • What is the ideal nursing candidate? (31:20)

  • Ways to develop a strong team culture (37:33)

  • Exploring potential career avenues for nurses (45:00)

  • The growth areas of SustainHealth (47:00)

  • What does Kay need to keep re-learning as a recruiter? (49:57)


  • “There's so much you can tell and sell about yourself just from the things you do day to day.” -Kay Reynoldson (23:53)

  • “We don't want to hear ten cliché interviews in a row, we want somebody to stand out. And you stand out by being authentically yourself.” -Liam Caswell (34:53)

  • “The great thing is I'm not scared of making a mistake because we're in it together, the principles and the values bring us all back to the same page.” -Kay Reynoldson (41:45)

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