028: Healing and Empowering Carers With Nurse Jacqui O’Connor

In this week’s episode of High-Performance Nursing, I speak with Nurse Jacqui O’ Connor of Heart Place New Zealand. Jacqui is an advocate of healing and empowering carers.

Her unique life experiences, deep spiritual connection, and practitioner tools are an indicator that she is not your average, traditional coach.

It is Jacqui’s mission to offer the kind of care that has long been missing. Through this, caring professionals feel supported and develop their self-confidence and self-worth.

In this episode, Jacqui shares her lifelong belief that in order for carers to become and offer the best version of themselves, they have to heal from within. When carers become advocates for themselves, they continue doing what they love.

For caring professionals experiencing compassionate fatigue or burnout, this episode is definitely for you.

What you'll discover in this episode:

  • Lockdown and vaccination status in Auckland (02:20)

  • Jacqui's coaching career (03:50)

  • Heart Place with Nurse Jacqui (05:03)

  • Feeling empowered after the burnout (06:15)

  • Healing and mindset modalities (07:23)

  • Empowered period workshop (09:07)

  • The healing process for carers (12:45)

  • The butterfly language (14:25)


  • “Wellness needs to be accessible.” - Jacqui O'Connor (10:20)

  • “We need to fly our freak flag, we need to stand there and be true and authentic to who we are.” - Liam Caswell (13:25)

  • “As much as I practice compassion for myself, I practice compassion for others.” - Jacqui O'Connor (16:52)

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029: Beating Stress and Burnout - with Elaina Mullery and Lauren Bell


027: Developing A Resilient Mindset With Hannah Sawyer