Self care is not indulgent, it's critical.

As caregivers, we spend a lot of time overdelivering and caring for our patients.

Over time, you may have noticed that this results in us sacrificing our own personal needs on and off shift.

If I had a dollar for every time I had to plead with a colleague to go for their break to hear “I will go shortly” to never go, I would be a billionaire I reckon.

I personally used to think there was some form of glory in not, taking my breaks and caring for myself.

I used to chuckle at the nurses who would tell me that one day it would all catch up with me.

Upon reflection – they were right – of course it did!!

One of the most common topics on the High Performance Nursing Podcast is the idea of self care. It blows my mind every time how much everyone preaches that we should be doing it, yet no one actually is!

Some talk about “deep self care” while others refer to self care not being “bubble baths”.

NAME, I’m torn, because to me, some of the simplest of things bring me immense joy.

I love having a coffee on a walk around my suburb.

I adore going to the theatre.

I also like just doing mundane tasks at home – like cleaning to check out.

I think it's very important that you explore what self care looks like to you. Personally, it’s not my place to tell you what it is, just make sure you do something for you on the regular. Something that makes you feel all the feels and check in with yourself.

Here are some ideas for you to implement:

- Schedule a coffee date with yourself once a week. Disconnect and watch the world pass by.

- Get out into nature – explore and soak up the fresh air.

- Binge a TV show on Netflix!

- Connect with a distant friend.

- Do something nice for yourself.

- Gift yourself something – physical or an experience.

Self care is not indulgent, it is a critical component of our lives – you must refill your cup. Do it regularly and tune into when you need to do it more. Raise your awareness and catch it early.

Look after yourself – you are worth it!


Self-doubt is self-created


Complaining isn’t serving you.