032: How To Prepare For Your Next Nursing Interview

How To Prepare For Your Next Nursing Interview

In this episode of High Performance Nursing, I will walk you through the exciting process of preparing for your next nursing interview. What if you can feel more confident and happy with what you can do and achieve in your interview?

When we receive a call or email from a potential future employer and land an interview, we immediately go into fight or flight mode. It is because of our self-limiting beliefs and inner critic that we are unable to get past the interview.

In this episode, we'll talk about how to prepare for a Nursing interview and the best strategies and red flags to pay attention to during the interview process. I'll give you some key points on how to be more confident and present during the interview so you can secure the dream job you applied for. 

For clinicians considering applying for jobs in 2022, now is the time to really level up your interview skills.


  • Getting started with interview coaching preparation (01:36)

  • Overcoming your inner critic (02:12)

  • Assessing your facts through thought downloads  (06:24)

  • Compiling strategic interview prep notes (13:35)

  • The panel secrets (17:18)

  • The star response and ideal buzzwords (19:34)

  • The power of delay tactics (23:47)

  • Ending the interview with the safety net (26:37)

  • Do’s and don'ts when asking questions for the panel  (28:55)

  • Post-interview email follow up and self-care (36:00)

  • The top tip for internal interview (39:42)


  • “The ideal answer doesn't mean that there is a one size fits all response. It is more that they have ideal words that they need or want to hear from you during the interview.” -Liam Caswell 

  • “Remember you have a choice. Ultimately, you make the choice about whether or not you take the job. You want to take the right job for you. Not just any job. ” - Liam Caswell

  • “We know that all of those things running through our mind are just thoughts. We have a choice over whether or not we want to believe them.”  - Liam Caswelll

  • “Questions that make the panel feel something are the best questions.” - Liam Caswell

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033: Top Tips for Nailing Interview Questions!


031: Self Leadership As A Clinician with Lauren Bell