022: What does the future of nursing look like post pandemic? Liam Caswell

On this episode of High Performance Nursing, I share my thoughts, concerns and genuine worries for the future of the nursing workforce. 

Over the last 2 years we have as a profession faced some unprecedented challenges not seen for over 100 years. 

I unpack some of the challenges we face in our day-to-day work, our career sustainability, our progression as nurses among many other key challenges. 

This episode is heavily influenced by my thoughts and opinions and does not reflect my employers. 

I would love to hear your thoughts on my channels below - we are in this together! 

Thanks for listening!

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Looking for awesome comfy Scrubs? ❤️ 

We are so grateful to BizCare for sponsoring the High Performance Nursing Podcast!

Click here to snag some scrubs! 

PS: this is NOT an affiliate link, meaning I do not make money if you use this link and the upside? You get AWESOME scrubs!


023: "Your mess is your message" with The Breakthrough Nurse Hannah Sawyer


021: From the bedside to the Boardroom, how uPaged founder Zara Lord is modernising on demand work in Australia!