020: I Quit! Why I left my >160K per year nursing job & what I learnt in the process!

In this week's episode of HIgh-Performance, Nursing Liam gets deep as he talks about quitting a very high-paying dream job( >160K per year) after being in the role for 4 weeks!

Liam talks about the challenges of finding a role that is in alignment with your personal values and professional career goals. Chasing your dreams doesn't always result in happiness, especially if you are chasing the wrong thing! This has been ongoing learning that Liam wants to share within the High-Performance Nursing Community. 

As high performers, we push, we win, we thrive and we grow but sometimes it's at the cost of being true to ourselves. Listen as Liam unpacks the key learnings from being misaligned in a job and how you can take steps within your role to recentre, focus and follow your true bliss. 

Warning, this episode may encourage you to take career action & start doing the inner work! You're Welcome! 

Thanks for listening!

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021: From the bedside to the Boardroom, how uPaged founder Zara Lord is modernising on demand work in Australia!


019: High Performance Nursing Mindsets - Fixed vs Growth