013: Self compassion with The Happy Nurse

This week on HPN Liam chats with The Happy Nurse Elaina Mullery, listen as they both share their personal experiences with stress and burnout having both experienced it twice in their careers. Elaina explains how getting external help from a therapist who helped her understand Cognitive Behavioural Therapy ignited a passion in her for personal development that ultimately led to the birth of The Happy Nurse. 

We hear about the power of self awareness and self reflection, and how really it comes down to the compassion element we have for ourselves, the ability to be our own best friend versus listening to the inner critic that makes all the difference. 

Elaina also tells us about an amazing coaching tool that is so quick and easy to implement into our life when the inner critic starts to really ramp up and that they key to recognising overwhelm stage can actually help you avoid burnout. 

 For any nurse who has teetered on the edge of stress, overwhelm, fatigue and exhaustion this one is for you! 

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014: Person centred care and learnings from Social Work with Dunja Radosavljevic


012: Insights from completing Brené Brown's Dare To Lead Workshop